So much to do, so much to do…oh and some winners

Burda Sew AlongI’ve quite quiet a bit to share with you in this post!

First up, you might have already seen on Kat’s blog: The Burda Sew Along has been extended until June 9th. Then Kat will do a final round up of all your fabulous projects. You asked for it and we listened…and we kind of needed some more time too 😉

Kat and I have enjoyed this sew along so much that we have decided to do another, right away. We think it’s time we showed the Independent Pattern’s some love too so we are declaring that June is Indie Pattern Month. Want to play along? Oh yes you do!

Here’s the button and later this week we will have up the rest of the details (sign-up page, photo sharing site etc…) but that shouldn’t stop you from starting your planning.

indie badge

Do you have some indie patterns already in your stash? Maybe you’ve been swooning over a few but haven’t quite gotten the credit card out yet? Why don’t you show us your collection (or wish-list), let’s get inspired!

Here is my collection:

Colette, Deer & Doe, Sewaholic and Papercut goodies

I also have a Cake Cabarita on its way from Australia. Also missing from above is my Colette Lady Grey because:

That is what I will make this month. It has been cut out since two Winters ago, lining, interfacing and all. The main fabric is a black chunky weave wool I bought from The Fabric Store in Melbourne over 2 years ago (!) specifically for this project. The cotton sateen lining was bought later from Spotlight here in NZ when I finally decided to start it.

I am also dying to make Deer & Doe’s Belladonne, Papercut’s Watson Jacket and Ooh La Leggings. Check out this AMAZING tutorial on her website. Since I am already ahead with the Lady Grey I might get one of these started. The others will not happen as officially part of this sew along but they will happen because I am super excited about them.

Now, on to the Pattern Pyramid and Burda winners. I enlisted Harri’s help, she was quite enthusiastic and it took a few takes before I got her to not knock ALL the entries on the ground!


My camera is a bit basic in quality so you can’t really read who won in the video so here are Harri’s winners:

The selection gets Harri’s paw of approval

Congratulations to Fleur, who Harri picked as next to receive the next Pattern Pyramid and Kat, who won the Burda magazine, that’ll save me some postage, tee hee! 😉

Thanks for playing, now go flick through your pattern stash and find a pretty Indie to make up this month…


29 thoughts on “So much to do, so much to do…oh and some winners

  1. Well of course I’ll be playing along. I can probably find something indy in my pattern stash 😉
    Currently, I’ve got a Decades of Style, Onion and Hot Patterns at the top of my to make list.

  2. Pingback: indie pattern month | Just so...

  3. Woo hoo!! Burda magazine!!! Thank you super-gorgeous-and-fluffy-cuteness Harri!!! 😀 And thank you to you, too, lovely Mel-mother-of-Harri! 😀

    (Now we need another Burda sew-along so I can prioritise making something from my new Burda mag, haha!)

  4. Woo hoo, thanks for the extension! My burda make just needs to be hemmed, photographed, and blogged, and that I can maybe do in a week. May was way busier than I had anticipated… but June should slow down, so hopefully I can squeeze in a pair of Thurlows!

  5. I would love to join in, I have so many StyleArc patterns in my stash, and a few indie patterns for my kids as well. Do you have to have a blog to join in or can you just add photos to the relevant website once it is up?

    • Hi Ingrid, no need to have a blog to sew along with us, anyone is welcome to join in, some very talented blog-less ladies joined us for the Burda Challenge. Kat and I are finalising the details today so we’ll set up a photo sharing account and give you all the details soon 🙂

  6. Hi hi
    Just wondering where you are getting the sewaholic patterns from?? She has some great stuff and I’m wondering if you order them direct on line or are you purchasing them somewhere here in NZ?? There’s some great looking Jalie patterns too that I may have to invest in….

    • Hi Kelly, I bought my last lot of pattern from Sewaholic direct when she offered free shipping last. If you sign up to her mailing list you can get email notifications when that happens. Often when a new pattern goes live you can get a great discount of other patterns too 🙂

  7. GO HARRI!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!! What a terrific job she did! Two enthusiastic paws up from Kitty! He will be selecting the winner from our Wellington Pattern Pyramid this weekend!

    I am also awaiting a Cabarita and would love to join in the Indie Sewalong with this pattern!

    • Hehe, I think it was an excellent effort for her first time participating. Later that night she upturned my bin and kept playing with the pieces of paper that came out, haha, I think she wanted more winners 🙂

      Ohh, yay for Cabarita and yay for indie pattern love xx

  8. Yay for the extension. I haven’t had time to post about the Burda sewalong, except for a short note at the end of my weekly me-made-May posts. I will do a proper post this week. And I am definitely in on the indie patterns. I have the Sewaholic Thurlow pattern and the Colette Rooibos and Clover patterns. I already started working on a mock up of the Thurlows, so this will be the perfect kick-start. Thanks!

    • I’m looking forward to seeing your Burda post and I am glad you’ve started working on the Thurlows. I was thinking about making them too, it’s so hard to choose! I really do have to finish my coat first. Must make all the patterns! Hehe! 😀

    • Ohh you should totally get one, she is a huge source of giggles and furry loves 🙂

      Haha, yeah after I opened it I was thinking, “no one is going to believe this”…I don’t think Kat has seen the post yet 😉

  9. Oh Harri – bless! I am so excited about the indie pattern sew-a-long – it gives me a chance to purchase a couple of patterns I have had my eye on for a LONG time, but I haven’t been able to justify purchasing 😉

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