All those spools of thread, you’re just asking for trouble really!

On Friday evening I came home from work to find a length of grey thread at the top of the stairs. I thought, “that’s odd” and went to pick it up only to realise that it wasn’t just a small length of thread. One end went to the left, the other to the right. I followed the path to the right first. It went into the kitchen, in and around the table legs, under a chair and into a certain kitten’s bed where is stopped.

The trail to the left, as you might have already guessed, went into my sewing studio. It also took a scenic route, around the ironing board legs, cutting table legs, sewing chair, along behind my fabric shelves, and eventually ended back where it began…at the overlocker.

You know how sometimes when you are telling a story you embellish just a little bit to increase the LOL factor? I swear on my kittens soggy thread trail that there is no exaggeration in the above words. I’m actually quite impressed with her agility but less impressed with the 20 meters or so of overlocker thread I had to untangle and bin.

It’s useless to try and punish a kitten for being a kitten. As far as Harri is concerned everything is a toy…except for the actual toys, she doesn’t play with those. Scrunched up newspaper, plastic bags, a beer box (we are awesome role models) and a plastic Tim Tam (biscuit) tray are the current favourites. So far, the solution for anything that Harri has decided could be a ‘toy’ but that I do not want to be a ‘toy’ has been to remove it from sight. Obviously this strategy will not work for sewing machines and now that Harri can make the jump onto my sewing table the new defence will have to be invisibility.

On Friday night I went on the hunt for my overlocker dust cover. Both my machines came with ugly plastic covers and one day I cut one of them up with the intention to take a pattern from it. I imagined a pretty pair of covers but then I realised that spending valuable garment sewing time on a new dust cover for my machines was a stupid idea since my machines never sit idle long enough to gather any dust…but now…well, I needed some Sewing Machine Invisibility Cloaks.

I couldn’t find them, instead I got distracted and began a big tidy of my sewing room and forgot that I was actually meant to be looking for.

On Saturday morning I got up, fed Harri and then let her out to roam (during the day she has the whole house, except for our bedroom, and at night she is confined to lounge/dining/ kitchen). I went back to bed with a coffee and read for a little bit. About 30 minutes later I got up, showered, ate brekkie and decided to finish off my tidying and then do some sewing.

That’s when I noticed a guilty looking kitten in the hall chewing on a tangle of grey thread and watching me while doing it.

Like she knew!

The new thread trail was not as long as the first but this new game was going to have to be stopped immediately so my tidying continued with more focus and eventually I found the dust covers.

Ugh, not very pretty huh?

After just 5 seconds I couldn’t looking at it any longer. Fabric was chosen, machines were threaded and this appeared:

I looked at my Elna…hmm, if I was a kitten and my new favourite ‘toy’ had just vanished, that other spool of thread is looking pretty tangle-rrific right now!

So then this happened:


And now I am happy. Oh wait…this post still requires at least one Harri photo, just so you know I’m not totally mad at her, here’s one:

Where did they go?


43 thoughts on “All those spools of thread, you’re just asking for trouble really!

  1. You might not believe this but my *dog* (a little pom) steals my thread. I have to keep everything up high – I’m lucky he can’t jump high like a cat. I’m pretty sure it’s not for the fun of chasing a spool around but rather to punish the thread for occupying my precious attention. 🙂

    We do sometimes think he’s a little more kitty-like than dog-like.

  2. I just have to mention since it was not, that string can get wrapped around the insides of kitty and be very dangerous. It happened to my cat when I noticed string hanging from his bum. Very scary, who knows what path it’s taken inside.

    • I know, I have to be careful with my loose threads, she loves them and I pulled a long one out of her mouth the other day. This weekends mission is for a rubbish bin with a lid that she cannot get into! Don’t worry, I have been busy kitten-proofing my room, and I always put the lid on my pins too, one of my friends cats ate a needle and it got stuck in her throat. Who would have thought they’d try to eat a pin?! Lucky the vet got it out and she is ok but lessoned learn’t!

  3. So cute!! And Harri’s not too bad either!! Hehe, just kidding. She’s adorable and I can see why it would be hard to be mad at her!

    You’re covers lok great – you’ve inspired me to make an over locker cover/carry bag 🙂

  4. I think that is one of the advantages of dogs – they stay on the floor, but who could get mad with Harris, she is very cute (and clearly has a purpose in that photo!), plus she pushed you to to make some really snazzy covers 🙂

    • I should be very grateful that she is helping motivate my sewing 😉 I think she spends quite a bit of time in my sewing room while I am out. When I get home from work I find all sorts of things moved around (carrying things about in our mouth is the new “thing” that we do apparently) and fabric piles are obviously very comfy.

  5. You DID make me laugh, even sans exaggeration! I need to cover my machines too, for dust reasons if nothing else. I’m not allowed a cat … I live with a zoo-dude and he’s in Team Anti-Cat. But I love seeing Harri’s exploits. More, please.

  6. Eeeee! Very cute sewing machine covers. You do realize that this is just a kitty’s way of saying “cover your machines human!” Kitty also says to say “meow, meow, mew, meh, miaooww, mew”, to Harri.

    • Harri loves helping with my sewing, even guiding my projects apparently 😉 and Harri was very excited to hear from Kitty, her meows are more like meeps and the moment (but she has been practising her big girls voice) she says, “meep mep mwep meeeep mip mep” back 😉

  7. I’m looking forward to hearing what happens when she realises that she can lift the cover and crawl inside her own personal tent! What a wonderful cat mum you are making her a tent ot play in.

    • Hehe! Well there isn’t much space under the overlocker cover but the sewing machine cover is more loose. She already likes to play peak a boo through the hole in the middle and she sometimes lays through it on her tummy watching me while I press or cut out (also the light makes the plastic warm) so I wouldn’t be surprised if she works out how to get underneath one day!

  8. Ahh, kitties and string things! Well, the covers are good for her health too. Some felines can get into quite a bit of trouble with the things they chew (and cannot spit out). And how do I know…

    • It is good for her health, I have to be careful with little lengths of thread because she gets them in her mouth. She scooped the scraps out of my overlocker catcher yesterday and was munching on them! 🙂 This weekend I have to go out and find a bin with a kitten proof lids because mine is open and she tips it over to play with the contents and now I have nowhere to put the easily swallowed thread scraps and bent pins. Gosh I am making her sound terribly naughty but she isn’t that bad. It’s worth it for the furry cuddles xx

  9. I can’t leave anything out on my table as it becomes a bed for one and a chew toy for the other (especially paper). So it is either close the door or put everything away..


  10. So cute! Yes I can relate. My cat (not a kitten either) once decided that the tissue paper/dress pattern I left on the table made an excellent toy; luckily it was not too damaged but I learned my lesson; do not leave that lying around; cats love it!!!

    • Ohh yes, she loves the tissue patterns too. I had to give her a piece of paper to play with of her own so she’d leave the real pattern alone! I don’t think the love of paper and plastic is something they grow out of 😉

  11. What a beautiful story, that naughtiness makes her all the more adorable. I LOVE your machine cover fabric – SUPER cool! So jealous right now.

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