Rigel Bomber Update

January is sneaking away…we’re 1/12th of the way through 2015 already, eek! 🙂

How are your bomber jackets going?

Don’t forget to get them added to our Flickr group page by the end of the month so that we can drool over your sweet jackets AND so we can pick our three favourites.

We chose Flickr because it’s easy to see the details of your makes in the bigger images however we know not everyone has an account or likes Flickr so we’ll also be looking for our favourite makes on Instagram. So, if you prefer, make sure you get your picture on there using #rigelbomberjanuary and you’re still in with a chance 🙂

I’ve been chipping away at my jacket during a busy month, with Harri’s help – it’s such tiring work for her 😉


A miniature tiger in my garden

Harri is almost 5 months old now and her growth appears to have slowed a little. She’s still not that big, about 2kgs maybe, she’s getting too big for my pasta scales! Scottish Folds only get to about 4kgs anyway and my vet told me that as soon as the weather begins to improve (southern hemisphere = winter right now) it would be OK to begin supervised outside excursions.

She needs it too, the little zoomer, loves a good run through the house! She can make the jump to any of the window sils, was climbing my bookcase just last night and in the time it takes me to climb the stairs when I get home she’s already been up, down and back up again!

Hurry up Mum-human, my food bowl is empty!

Our new favourite foods include warmed wheetbix with milk, mashed potato, and overlocker thread hoki fish.

I feed her biscuits too, human food is an occasional treat, tell me off all you want, I am sure my vet would too if I told him 😉 but how boring must biscuits be all day, every day? Our family cat ate rice risotto, Watties spaghetti, pretty much whatever we ate and lived to be 18 😀

Her new thing (there is always a new thing added to the ever growing list) is to wait for one of her humans behind the door way and when they walk past, leap at the back of their legs to mock hamstring them.

My little indoor tiger!

Lucky for Harri we had always decided that our cat would be an outdoor kitty. Lucky for us she can run off all that energy exploring outside while we are at work during the day. We have her micro-chipped and as soon as our kitchen renovation gets underway our new back door will get a micro-chip controlled cat flap.

Until then I want to introduce her to our backyard slowly, so she gets to know her way around. I still remember the night we bought her home and she got lost just by going round the other side of the couch!

You can snigger at my kitten-babying all you want but I love my Harriet. I haven’t really heard any cat fights since living at our new place but I do see other cats using our backyard as their own personal short-cut so Harri needs to know exactly how to get back inside if she needs to.

So the plan was to buy Harri a harness and take her for little walks to familiarise her with the back yard and surrounds but then I saw this:

I thought. “I could do that!”, and left the idea floating inside my head.

During the failed WSBN Levana trip a brilliant idea struck me, you might remember this photo:

On the right is 40cm of faux tiger fur that I bought for a total of $6.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

I’ll just wait for the laughter to settle down.

Are you done? Good 😉

I printed off Veanna’s pattern and held it up to Harri…hmmm… Harri is much smaller than Boffi.

So I made some modifications: one SKA (short kitten adjustment) and an LTBA (less tubby belly adjustment) later and we were away:

The inside is plain calico and I had the webbing and other bits and bobs in my stash.

Curious Kiwi Top Tip: Never throw away an old bag without cutting off the hardware!

“What is this green stuff?”

“Why are you laughing human?”

Harri was not a fan of her harness at first but after we got outside she was sufficiently distracted by grass, wet feet, birds and bushes to almost forget about it.

I say almost because sometimes she would walk a bit funny and twice she just sort of fell over like the fainting goats.

It fits her better than I thought but I still watched her like a hawk just in case.

“Grrr! Queen of the…Backyard!”

“Ugh, this green stuff is making my paws wet!”

We spent about 20 minutes outside, exploring half the garden and smelling each individual blade of grass, and then my smart little mini-tiger led me back to the door and inside again all by herself.


I think she enjoyed her excursion. The breeder did tell me when we picked her up that the mother wasn’t big on spending time outside but I think it’s only fair that Harri has a choice. I hope after a few more outings I can get her to follow me out un-harnessed and see what happens.


It’s black and fuzzy and being dragged away by a black fuzzy thing

Wow so June is done and dusted and July is speeding by, I’ve seriously struggled to find sewing time this month. I did complete my top-secret project that I’ll post as soon as I am allowed to but for now, here is some Lady Grey progress.

Spoiler alert: It’s not finished…yet.

These photos are from Monday night, Harri and I had the house to ourselves and I seriously thought I might get to at least 95% done. I dreamt about my rainbow swallows dress on Sunday night but I HAVE to finish Lady Grey first and when I am done my machines are going to need one heck of a vacuum out. This wool makes its own fuzz babies everywhere!

Normally when I have a day of sewing I can convince Harri to take a nap in her bed, which I move into my sewing room. Her bed has had an extra incentive added recently, a hot water bottle.

Yes I spoil her, I’m allowed 😉

This is an example of situation normal, taken a week or so ago:

But on Monday night it just wasn’t happening. Instead we had this:

And then this:

And this:

There was not going to be any situation normal this night. Harri LOVES this wool. At one point I turned around from stitching a sleeve seam and she was on the cutting table dragging the WHOLE coat shell towards the edge. I have no idea where she was planning to go with it but she was giving it her best shot.

So she’s not the best helper but I guess when only one of your humans is home you have to apply all your love to that human even if they really just wish you’d curl up in their lap.

I did achieve quite a lot, in-between plonking Harri back on the ground every 10 minutes but when she decided she liked the look of the iron (which was HOT), I called it a night.

Sorry in advance for these absolutely terrible night time photos but we’ve been over this: It’s WINTER!

The shell front and back, is all assembled and top stitched, just the collar left to go on:

The lining is 80% there, I have to pre-hem the bottom then facings are next followed by the sleeves and then I can attach it to the shell.

I am debating if I want to try my hand at a pair of bound button holes (and that reminds me that I don’t even have any buttons picked out yet!). I think a bound button hole would look better than a machine stitched one with this fabric and look infinitely more professional and “RTW”.

Colette has a beautifully photographed tutorial and they look like miniature welt pockets to me, which I have made successfully before. I think I just convinced myself…

So yes, that’s as far as I have gotten. Indie month is officially over and I am dragging my heels on my second item but I’ll get there this week and I am really excited to finish this coat.

Over the next few days Kat and I will be winding up the month with some posts featuring a few of our participants.

Did you enjoy Indie pattern month? I hope so. I found it motivational and a great way to show our love for the independent pattern designers. I definitely spotted a few new patterns I hadn’t considered before! I also enjoyed Burda month because both themes left the sewing open to suit everyone’s individual skill level and it also meant I could pick a project that suited my sewing mood the current season. How about you?



Sometimes, like when you are frantically trying to finish a dress to wear to a mid-Winter Christmas afternoon/dinner with lots of sewing friends at which you have promised to wear said dress, it is easier to leave the kitten blissfully playing with whatever* it is that has distracted her long enough away from attacking your hands for you to continue the painstaking slow and careful hand-stitched hemming:

And when she got tired of that there was a handy bag of fabric scraps hanging under the cutting table, pre-warmed by the morning sun, to curl up inside. She seemed to know exactly the best time to hop inside and judging by the perfect kitty circle she settled into I suspect this is not the first time she has discovered this sleeping spot:

*No actually important sewing patterns were harmed in the taking of these photos. This particular pattern sheet is for present wrapping…and now, apparently, kitten distraction. Also yes I know I shouldn’t be teaching her that it’s ok to play in pattern tissue but she was having so much fun. Don’t you worry, this is the only pattern tissue she’ll get her paws on…touch wood…

And since you have all been so patient while I selfishly indulge myself with cat photos here is a sneak peak of me putting the final touches on my completed secret Indie project…the Lady Grey coat will now resume…
